Monday, February 20, 2012

Children Exposed to A Demonic Haunting

 Speaking in Latin tongues, evil apparitions,  rapping on the walls and strange activity throughout the house may just be a recipe for a demonic haunt. Not only is it the most difficult and dangerous haunting to investigate, it is also one of the most horrifyingly stubborn entities to get rid of.
  Just how does one become an unfortunate victim to a demonic haunting?  Demons do not appear out of nowhere. They have never been human, and this is why they are so hard to get rid of. They do not take kindly to simply "asking it to leave". Some of the ways demons enter our world are through means of divination such as the classic Ouija Board (can be innocent use, not meaning to call an evil entity), and the more devious method of conducting Satanic Rituals. There have been several recorded cases of people moving into a dwelling and not understanding why they are encountering this type of activity, only to find out the previous owners were practicing Satanism. Writings and drawings of Satanic Rituals have been found in bedrooms, closets, basements, attics, etc. And the victim is unsuspecting to the catastrophic activity that has been left in the house.
   The next question I am presented with, how and why does a person get possessed?  There have been several hypotheses to this question. A weak mind, very little to no spiritual beliefs, and possibly not being baptized are some reasons demonic possession is extremely easy. Some may argue about being baptized but there have been correlations to unbaptized individuals and demonic possession (Wikipedia: . Also, the Catholic religion by far not only is the most successful in exterminating demons, they have some of the strongest prayers.
  Recently, I watched a show on Animal Planet called The Haunting, which involves people's pets reacting to paranormal activity in the home. The episode was called "Demon House" which featured a family who was facing an obvious demonic haunting. Some of the classic symptoms of these types of hauntings include, and are not limited to, apparitions of dark black masses, shadow dogs, guttural growling noises, scratches, vulgar voices, poltergeist activity (objects moving by themselves in a forceful manner)temperatures becoming hot, a foul odor smelling like sulfur, and apparitions that have black holes for eyes. The family was facing several of these characteristics of a demonic haunt.
  Apparently, this family did their homework, and found their house had a series of tragic events. There was a murder suicide in the early 1900's and they found two cases where the owner faced an untimely death by falling down the stairs. This history should not have been ignored as most likely it was not a coincidence.  Horrific deaths have plagued the house for at least 100 years.
 Like most families facing demonic hauntings, they were at a loss of what to do. The family contacted Enfield Paranormal Society (founded in 2006) based out of Connecticut to conduct an investigation in their home. The group's founder, Matt Kondraki led the investigation. He and his team brought along their EMF meters, DVR camera's and digital voice recorders to capture the evidence. I do not think Kondraki was prepared for the type of entity he and his team encountered.
  One of the most disturbing aspects of this investigation of a potential demonic haunting was Kondraki's failure to realize potential signs of a demonic presence. I was shocked beyond belief that it did not appear as if Kondraki did thorough interviewing with this family or was even familiar with what signs hint at a demonic haunting. His very first and most detrimental mistake was conducting an investigation while the small children were sleeping in their cribs. Apparently, when the team checked in on the childrens' room there was blood all over the walls, floor and crib. Luckily, the children were unharmed.
  There are many reasons not to involve small children to demonic hauntings. One being, it is far too dangerous. A lot of times simply investigating can aggravate an already tumultuous haunting. Kondraki and his team potentially put the children in danger. Besides the blood stained bedroom, Enfield Paranormal experienced temperatures rise, as well as growling noises. In speaking with a colleague of mine, Mike Ricksecker, who is a ghost historian with Oklahoma's Society of the Haunted, as well as author to several books on the paranormal, including Ghosts and Legends of Oklahoma , he also agrees children should not be present during a potential demonic haunting.  "If we're talking a demonic haunting, as that demon is being battled with, it can inflict physical harm on the child or even try to take control of him or her." Ricksecker also stated the only time a child should be present in the investigation is if they are possessed by the demon.
  Kondraki did admit during the episode of The Haunting, he was not familiar with this type of activity. I disapprove of his methods, as I believe he should have reviewed client interviews and examined more closely the potential that this was a demonic haunting. He should have never taken on this case and should have called in a team that could help the family. Ricksecker is in agreement with me on the subject of investigating demons.  "Demons are strong, unpredictable, and even individuals that are trained to deal with demons have problems eradicating them. Investigators that don't have experience with demons should call in someone who does or they're likely to get hurt and make the situation at the location worse," explained Ricksecker.
   The family did end up contacting Bob Baker of Connecticut Paranormal Investigators, who are experienced in demonic hauntings. Baker explained a lot of times families plagued by the demonic entities will go through a few investigation teams before they find one that will actually solve the problems. The team knew right way that they would need a priest in this case. The called in Father Bob Bailey, a Catholic priest out of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, who specializes in eradicating demonic hauntings, to help with the case.
   I am going to go on record stating that this is not my favorite aspect of paranormal research. It terrifies me, but in order to be a seasoned researcher, one has to study this ugly subject in order to become an expert. Knowing the red flags of a demonic haunting can potentially save a family's life. Paranormal investigative teams need to admit when specific hauntings are out of their realm. It is inadvisable to investigate these premises with no experience.Unfortunately, inexperienced groups cannot afford to do what I call "evidence collecting" on these types of cases. The life of the family and the investigators are at risk. Investigators can bring all the fancy pieces of equipment they want but it isn't going to resolve evil spirits. And when it comes to young children, groups need to assess the severity of the hauntings and take it very seriously.


  1. Kathleen like your article about my house their is so much more that the show could not fit in to a1hr

    1. Jay there's nothing more affective that can get rid of thease demons more than these 2 things 1.excepting Christ as your personal Savior and meaning it and 2.demanding them to leave in the Name of Jesus Christ and through the power of His blood!

  2. Hi Jay, thanks for writing in, glad you liked my article. I'm sorry your family had a horrific experience, and even sorrier that you had a very inefficient team assisting you with a dark force. I am happy you eventually found the right help. It's so much in 1 hour....I cannot imagine it....I am trying to educate and expose the flaws of so called investigators. I have more articles coming, it's been a busy two years with a toddler and now an infant! God Bless you, please stay safe!

  3. I gotta say this article is way off everything you said about Matthew is all wrong you need to get your story right lady as Matthew never did a ghost Hunt with the children in house ever and you can even as the owners as for the blood it happened when he visited the yapples to see if everything was OK in the afternoon when the children were a sleep for their nap.. So next time you wanna write bull shit lies you better get the story right or ask Matthew or the yapples your self instead of this bull shit article

  4. I gotta say this article is way off everything you said about Matthew is all wrong you need to get your story right lady as Matthew never did a ghost Hunt with the children in house ever and you can even as the owners as for the blood it happened when he visited the yapples to see if everything was OK in the afternoon when the children were a sleep for their nap.. So next time you wanna write bull shit lies you better get the story right or ask Matthew or the yapples your self instead of this bull shit article

  5. Call your producer as I write articles after I watch the show. Clearly states that the investigation took place while the kids were in the home. Oh and check out Jay Yaple's comment above. Even in the show they had to get a second group to help who was experienced in the demonic.

  6. Kathleen, thank you so much for writing this extremely informative article!

  7. Thank you Keith & Sandra!! Your compliments mean a lot to me!!
