Friday, June 10, 2011

God is Always With You....even in the bad times

Have you ever stopped to think about practicing a random act of kindness? What about practicing a random act of kindness in front of a stranger's face? Yesterday I had an experience that I would like to share, because I just thought it was so rare and unusual. I thought about it so much yesterday and today, that I decided it would be appropriate to write it on here, as so much negativity takes place in this world we forget about the good.
   After work yesterday I had to stop at the grocery store to pick up a few things, and I figured while I was there I should get some cards as my mother's birthday and Father's Day  is coming up. Walking in the aisle, this older lady comes right up to me and says "You are so beautiful. You have a great smile and you glow." I was floored, because I haven't been feeling so great lately, let alone feel beautiful, as I am dealing with the lovely first trimester morning sickness. She went on to tell me she was sorry to approach me like this, but she had to tell me. I have no problem talking to strangers, and I did not feel put off by this one bit. This woman proceeded to tell me thirty years ago she was in a serious car accident and she said she died on the operating table a few times, and it left a different outlook for her on life. "It changed me" she said.
   I went on to ask her if she had a near death experience. And she said that she did. She said she was in a coma for three months, one side of her body was paralyzed, and she had to relearn to walk, talk, and all the normal human movements that we sorely take for granted. The woman explained to me many fascinating details of her experience, in that it only took her one month to relearn all these detrimental skills again. Her favorite poem (and one of mine too) is Footprints, and she said the last line of the poem "Footprints"  reminds her of her ordeal with the accident. "My son, my precious child, I love you and would never leave you, During your times of trial and suffering, When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."   This line ALWAYS makes me cry....
  There are so many important messages she gave me, I feel like I am having a hard time believing   what happened was real. One message she gave me was of her near death experience. She said the first time she remembered anything of it was thirty six months ago. She does not know what triggered it, but somehow she recalled the feelings. She described the familiar white light, but she explained to me she actually walked into it which a lot of people do not make it that far. She said she was on the other side and she could feel so much love and felt people she loved were around her. I believe she told me that she even saw her dad.
    All of us are guilty of having poor me days, or when real bad things happen, you say to yourself "Where is God when I really need Him?" While I am not overly religious in the slightest, I too have had this question run through my head. This stranger assured me that God is with everyone, and he has been with them during all those good times too, and she told me she could see the light of God around everyone. She told me to take nothing for granted, as you never know which day is going to be your last....And so frequently this happens. And all of us think "It isn't going to happen to me", until we actually witness the loss of a life taken so early.
  How many of people would have actually made time for a conversation like this with a total stranger? My guess is not many people would, in fact, it is possible some would be so put off by something like this. But I have always felt I never know what shape or form my messages are going to come from. I try not to take information like this for granted. I always feel if I actually take time to smell the roses I will have the answers I was looking for eventually. And in the end, I believe we both walked away pretty happy people. I was blessed by her compliment and she reaped the rewards for making someone feel good.
 The whole time talking to this woman, she had very unusual eyes, and her energy field just radiated that pure white sunny light. And I am thanking all the many Gods that I pray to for sending her my way.
  Whether or not you are religious, I do believe that this experience has a lot of good messages. Be grateful for the time we get because we don't know when it is going to run out. And, last but not least, don't be afraid to practice a random act of kindness, whether or not it is to the person's face or you decide to buy the coffee for the person behind you in the drive thru. There is so much negative activity in our thoughts and words and we forget what it can be like to be positive.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Haunted "Surprise" of San Diego: La Casa De Estudillo

American Hauntings of the Travel Channel has deemed the Whaley House of San Diego one of the most haunted houses in America. Located in the heart of Old Town San Diego, this prestigious brick home has been graced with the presence of people from all walks of life. The house was essentially multipurpose, containing a general store, a theater and an infamous court house. The house was also built over the sight of a famous town hanging, which the man who was convicted of the crime was only stealing a row boat.
As your reading this your probably already thinking this is a place that is seasoned for a good full blown haunting. There is a courthouse, which in any event could literally determine one's fate in a matter of days, and the infamous hanging that already took place on the grounds. Today, I visited this famous Whaley House, a place that investigators have dreamed of exploring, only to be turned down countless times by the historical society, in fear the tape used to hold down the chords for audio and visual equipment will ruin the preservation of this antique building. I cannot blame them one bit for this fear, as it is already hard to restore once the damage is done.
  The ghosts of the Whaley House have been narrowed down to a few specters of the Whaley Family. The most reported ghosts are of Mr. Thomas Whaley and his wife Mrs. Anna Whaley and their daughter. Another unusual ghost that has been spotted on occasion was the family dog, a fox terrier. And, of course, the Whaley's themselves have also reported the ghost of "Yankee Jim" aka James Santiago Robinson, the man who was hung for his crime right on their property before the house was built. The Whaley's stated they could hear heavy footsteps moving throughout their house.
  Courtrooms hold a lot of trepidation and anxiety not only for the defendants, and plaintiffs but also for jury members as well as family members. This is what I felt in the courtroom of the Whaley House. I felt anxiety immediately as well as being scared and sad. This room of the Whaley House was the room I felt the most emotion in. I did not have any ghostly experiences there, but I did ask the docents and they were more than eager to share their experiences with me. All the docents were dressed in period clothing, and one of them reported to me while she did not "see" any apparitions, she did feel a small tug at her dress, almost very playful like something a child would do. She also told me many people over the years have taken pictures and have had countless ghostly images appear.
  While the Whaley House was certainly an interesting, and well awaited haunted adventure, this was not the experience I had in mind. The hotbed of paranormal activity lies in the town square of Old Town San Diego at a place called La Casa de Estudillo....
  A step back in time can be found in the town square of Old Town San Diego, where an old jail, a school house, a blacksmith, a hotel and stables still stand extremely well preserved. My husband and I were enthralled with the little shops surrounding this village, and in between the history sight seeing we took time to buy our souvenirs. Meanwhile, we nearly dismissed an old mission named La Casa de Estudillo. It was advertised as a free museum tour, and by the time we saw everything else in this square, we decided we might as well check out this free museum, because it was free!
 Walking in the mission was very beautiful. Designed in U shaped fashion, including a beautiful courtyard, this looked like it might have been a happening place in the 19th century. Captain Jose Maria Estudillo, a retired fort commander built this landmark in 1827 on a parcel of land granted to him by Governor Jose Echeandia. Captain Estudillo died in 1830 but the construction of the house continued under his son Jose Antonio Estudillo.  The rooms composed of La Casa De Estudillo are a chapel, a Priest's room, Living room, a study, two bedrooms, a children's room, work room, master bedroom and a guest room. The Estudillo family held several formal dinners and dances, so people were constantly staying at this mission.
   I was kind of floating around a bit through the courtyard, looking at the flowers and taking pictures while my husband wandered off to discover some of the rooms. I was just about to go off to my left where the chapel was located and my husband came out of the rooms and asked if I had gone into the chapel yet, and then to the Priest's room. I told him  I had not and I was just about to go into the priest's room. "I don't know what it is about those two rooms, but I don't like them and I don't want to go back in there," said my husband. So I went into the chapel, and immediately, I did not like it either.  I would like to get into my husbands feelings first about this place because it is stranger when he reports events like this because it is so infrequent. What is now the chapel (because some of the rooms were switched after renovations done at the turn of the century) he  felt a cross between being unwelcome and unwanted "and at the same time felt shivers down my spine."When he entered the priests room he said these feelings felt the same but amplified.
   When I went into the chapel, it felt sacrilegious even though there were all kinds of religious articles, the Catholic cloths, altar and candles. There was a darkness over the altar for me, as well as feeling the need to quickly see what I had to see and to move along. Well, the room I moved along into, I had to agree with my husband  there was the same sense of foreboding and darkness. I was not quite sure what was lurking in those two rooms, but we both knew that whatever was in there didn't want us to disturb it.
  I spotted a docent near the podium of the entrance talking to a couple and I decided to hang around close by to see if I could figure out why negative energy might be hanging around this mission. So far, he was talking about how the mission was built, out of the adobe bricks and wood planking. He also talked about the famous architect of the time, Hazel Waterman, who restored the mission in 1908. There was nothing elusive about this history. No reported untimely deaths or disasters which sometimes is a recipe for a good solid haunting.
   The docent was very detailed in this history making it easy for me to picture a lot of this in my head. And finally he did take notice of me, and politely asked me if there was something he could help me with, since I don't think he was positive I wanted to hear his history lecture. I just told him I was just honing in on his tour and wanted to hear about the mission, and he boastfully said, "Come join the party!" So I did and luckily the other couple wandered off and started their own independent tour. So, I asked the docent, named Bert, if this place was reportedly haunted because both my husband and I felt things, especially in the room of the Chapel, and the Priest's room. He looked a bit surprised, and then took a lot of interest in my husband and I. He asked us what we felt in those rooms. We both told him what we felt, like not being wanted and something dark in both the Chapel and the Priest's room. He then proceeded to walk us to each of the rooms to ask us what we felt... So we told him we were pretty sure those were the only two rooms that felt very dark, but we felt that the living room where the dances were held was a happy room and the other rooms appeared very mundane.
  I believe Bert knew more about La Casa de Estudillo. Bert was acting as the savy investigator himself in that he was trying to find out if we knew anything more than we let on about this grand building. But unfortunately, my husband and I knew nothing about this place. Bert was pretty bold with us asking asking if we were atheists. I told him I was more spiritual, and I believe in a higher power but I also take many different aspects of several religions and incorporate them into my own beliefs. I believe Bert does know about the darker aspects to this mission, and he knows its more than just a mere lesson in history. Mike and I both think he was trying to compare what our feelings were to the other reported feelings many tourists have said over the years.
  The story of Old Town San Diego ends the same way many other haunted attractions have concluded for me which is very freaky. I have had many instances of visiting or driving by places that I felt were haunted (but did not know about previously) and only to go online to find that suspicion was thoroughly confirmed. All I did was type in La Casa de Estudillo, and I got "Haunted La Casa de Estudio". Below is the website I found that basically confirmed this haunting. Some of the quotes I found are also from this website.


    1. In 1988, a research team gathered together by Riverside Press, to investigate the presence of ghosts in Casa De Estudillo during the evening hours. Usually, the living are only in Casa De Estudillo during the daylight hours when the museum is open.

      This research team, while in the process of their investigation, came up against an angry, indignant presence, not at all happy with either their research work, or their intrusion into the entities' time to have the adobe home to themselves.

      1. Members of the research team were surprised when brilliant red flashes of light came upon them.
      2. The photographer was physically attacked by an angry unseen presence, who broke the camera lens.
      3. The researchers did record a voice on tape, during an attempt to contact the entities in this house, telling them to "GET OUT!!!!"
    2. CSGR Chad Patterson on 2/15/2003 conducted an investigation, along with a group of about 4 other investigators, a Psychic, Virginia Marco, and two guests, during the time frame of 12:00 noon to 1:30 P.M.

      1. Psychic Virginia Marco saw a handful of entities throughout the adobe as she walked around.
      2. In the doorway area, leading from the master bedroom to the chapel, paranormal readings were picked up and Psychic Virginia Marco confirmed a presence of a tall man, which supported Chad's earlier investigation done in 1999 when he felt this same presence standing behind him and saw a shadow out of the corner of his eye.


Yes indeed!
Because so many memorable moments took place throughout the years in such a beautiful place, it seems like a great place for entities from its varied history to gather.
    1. The entities don't mind sharing their adobe mansion with the living during the daylight hours, but don't appreciate intrusions from the living, especially researchers after dark! One of them has a temper and will show it.
    2. Not sure who is haunting La Casa ---Probably members of the De Estudillo family are among the entities, besides a priest and whomever else became attached throughout the years, enjoying La Casa. The older section of the adobe, mainly the master bedroom, the doorway to the chapel and the chapel itself have been the most active for CSGR investigator, Chad Patterson, who plans to come back with his team to look further around the place.
A lot of the same feelings we had today were reported in this very website, proving to me once again that our intuitions and gut are indeed a real guide and there for a reason. Although Mike and I are positive there is something lurking at this mission, we are not sure if the entities are tied to the mission itself. None of the antiques are native or unique to the mission. They refurnished the mission with period pieces from the sixteenth to the 20th centuries. As some of you know antiques can come with their own ghostly attachments. In any event,it proved to be a very interesting, and more productive in the way of ghost hunting than I could have hoped for. I plan to go back this week to confront Bert on how much he really knows about La Casa de Estudillo.
Views: 29

Friday, February 25, 2011

Art, Intuition and Inspiration

"Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings. " (Wikipedia)
  A few weeks ago, February twelfth to be exact (sorry, my computer is acting funny, and I cannot type the number one) I visited a very small mining town called Oatman, Arizona. It was a very typical old western town with a general store and a few gift shops, wild donkeys roaming the streets and a few tourists combing the area. It is just like what you would picture in your mind of the wild west.
  I was very enthralled with a store located in Oatman, called the Dustwitch Gallery. The artist's name is Jeannine Sandoval, and she creates sculptures (mostly Native American themed) and then takes pictures  of her sculptures. However, these are not ordinary photographs of sculptures. The sculptures are creatively arranged to look like they are paintings. Almost all of the work Sandoval does is accompanied by the Native American story it is based upon. The work is amazing and really captured my soul and my reason for this is I usually connect on a spiritual level to anything  Native American.
  I bought a picture of a photograph she took of a serene  bust (just the face) of a beautiful Native American woman closing her eyes, and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It is one of the most meaningful and gorgeous pieces I have purchased. Sandoval actually took three different angled shots of this sculpture, and each looks very different, capturing a different emotion each time. She said she was surprised I liked this particular angle I bought (it was basically face on). She said people liked another one that was more of a side view the most. Sandoval told me she thought the reason I liked this view was because I am "self assured".
  My husband and I hung around her shop for quite a while, because quite honestly, I was too mesmerized to leave. I had to learn what the inspiration was behind her pieces and what motivated her to do this kind of work. In a sense, I had to connect with this artist myself.  So, I did what I do best at and I asked her questions on where she went to school, and what she got her degree in. Some people do not like it when I ask a lot of questions, but it is my opinion the fastest way to get to know someone. She told me she did not even go school for art, and she was an electrician by trade. Sandoval explained math and science fascinates her, and she really enjoys trying to figure out mathematical problems in her head. Does this sound like a typical artist yet? Not quite. Except for the fact Sandoval is a very energetic and friendly woman, and almost too talkative at times, and even a bit unconventional.
  I started to wonder about her as soon as she said she liked math and science. I was thinking in my head, I am not going to relate to this woman at all. As soon as I hear anyone talk about these two subjects, I almost immediately tune them out, because I have struggled with them  for most of my life, and it brings up bad memories. But my gut told me instinctively to hang on just a bit more because the piece of the puzzle was just about to appear. So I told her  I too am an artist, and although I haven't painted in years, I still drew and I make jewelry.
  So, she brought me over to a picture she took, which I thought was a sculpture of a totem. But she told me, she did not sculpt a totem. She said "Look closely and see all the animals that show up when you look at this totem. And I did see so many animals...a fox, an owl a wolf and several other animals. Sandoval told me every time she takes a picture of her sculptures, a Native American spirit  shows up every single time. She asked me if I would tell her where the spirit was and she would tell me if I was right. So, I showed her on all the works she asked me, where I  thought  the spirit was. Each time I told her, she said I was right. There is one picture still haunts me, and the spirit was so clear, it was an actual silhouette. It looked like a Native American person lurking on the side of the picture of the sculpture. I was not freaked out like some people would be. I was so enamored she had the gift of knowing her spirit guides.
   I did question Sandoval on her beliefs, she said she is a God fearing woman, and believes very firmly in the Holy Spirit. She merely shrugged off the otherworldly beings in her pictures, and said very nonchalantly she was grateful for them. She really did not question the fact as to why they were materializing in her work. She did think they inspired her to create Native American works of art. And I think this simple, less complicated way of thinking, is the best way of welcoming  psychic gifts.
  Art is very spiritual, and  most people who create it are gifted with otherworldly powers. The ability to create something beautiful and evoke emotion at the same time is a heavenly quality.  I believe people who are talented artistically are essentially more in tune with the other side. I could be wrong, but I believe  this is true. It is possible  our former selves can communicate with us this way through creation of masterpieces.  I would even go as far to say art does evoke us to be more empathetic to others in a way  some are not able to be as deep emotionally. I think different art forms appeal to all types of people, and  it is one of the greatest, forgotten forms of communicating with the soul.
  I would recommend, if you ever have the chance, visit Oatman, AZ and take a peek into the Dustwitch Gallery of J. Sandoval.  And if you never come here, think more about art, and do not be afraid to explore and discover what you are attracted to. It could be the very key to your psyche.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rethinking Ghost Hunters

Voices captured on tape recorders, ghostly images showing up on thermal imaging cameras and unexplained footsteps in an old abandon house, and having a television show exploring evidence of the paranormal all sounds like a lot of fun right? Especially since this was your group, that you started from scratch many years ago when you were just learning how to investigate. How exciting it must have been when a television production team approaches you and your team entertaining the idea of a show exploring just what it is like being at the height of paranormal investigation. It must be thrilling, exciting and scary all at the same time knowing you and your team are about to be on television.   But just how glamorous is it to have your own television show?  Knowing what I have learned about television and production, it might not be all that it is cracked up to be, especially when your original team was the ghost hunting group you built. You are dealing with a production crew and producers, and they may have their own agendas about what ghost hunting is really supposed to be about. What happens when you do not get that ghostly evidence that you were hoping for? And what if the evidence you do get is purely minimal at best, and not earth shattering? Is that going to fly on television? Is evidence like that enough to get viewers to watch your show?
  Donna LaCroix, one of the original members of TAPS, left the show late 2008 for reasons that were initially unexplained. She appeared on an online radio show called Ghost Divas November of 2009 to let the world know exactly why she and two other members left, Brian Harnois and Andy Andrews. Apparently, there may have been some falsification of evidence on the set of the Ghost Hunters TV show. She said basically that she was sickened by it, as paranormal investigation was a serious part of her life. She also went on to say that Grant and Jason have done pretty well because they have rights to the merchandising (clothing, equipment etc). I have listened to this interview, and although I believe there is truth to what Donna has stated, I do think that she was highly emotional, and she may not have been in the best frame of mind when she was speaking out against her former colleagues. She said repeatedly that she had been screwed over by Ghost Hunters, she was not supposed to talk bad about them, but that she was not afraid of them,and if they did anything to her they would be sorry.
  The reason I am bringing this up, is because other well known personalities have recently left the Ghost Hunters International Team. Rob Demrest, the lead investigator has left, along with his second in command Brandy Greene. I have not yet found an evident reason as to why these two figures are missing in action. Another member that has left GHI that has truly shocked me was Dustin Pari. He seemed very serious about the world of investigation, and now it seems to be more than a case of a few disgruntled members who didn't feel that they got their share of the royalties. It is quite a strong coincidence in my opinion that all of these people have left.
  From an investigation standpoint, and being part of a group for a little while, this is a normal thing for a large group to dismantle and others find other teams to join or start new ones. I am almost positive when there are different personalities new ideals start to form on the way that investigations are handled. However, I think once a production crew shows up the ideals and standards of the team essentially have a great chance of dissolving. I think most people see dollar signs with just the thought of being on television and potentially becoming famous. I think money clouds the mind and in essence, the group will lose the ideals they once had, and evidence planting and faking become trivial. I also believe  the true nature behind the investigation becomes less credible. You have a show and people follow you! Your famous and recognized throughout the world, whats not to love?
 Well, it also appears that there is much drama in the paranormal community as other shows have arisen to grace the airwaves, they may have not been as successful as Ghost Hunters. The show Ghost Lab, which was featured on the Discovery Channel is no longer. Brad and Barry Klinge, the founders of Ghost Lab also went on a radio show declaring "Mutiny" against the Ghost Hunters. I did read Jason Hawes from GH's fan page and his status stated the below quote:
"Certain people are very angry people. Its not Taps fault your show was cancelled. Feel free to stop saying were scared and avoiding you. Far from scared, the field does not need your drama. Sorry Discovery didn't keep ya.. see ya around, I'll bring a tissue for you."
My husbands thought about this was very interesting.  He said that it would not surprise him if networks were   contributing  misinformation to the overall dialogue in hopes that they will benefit when betrayed loyal viewers watch other paranormal shows. Competing corporations could be forcing these other shows to cancel, perpetuating the lies and drama that there is evidence that is being faked or enhanced for pure entertainment value. While my husbands thoughts really do not have to do with any particular show out there, it does seem that there is a general competition out there among  groups on and off television.
  Most of you in this group are familiar with me and my views on the other paranormal shows that have graced the airwaves. And Ghost Lab has not been one of my favorites in regards of how their evidence is obtained. And honestly, while I might not agree with their practices, I do think that they might be on to something. What if Ghost Hunters has somewhat of a monopoly on the viewership of the masses? Is it like McDonald's and Burgerking competing who has the best fries, or is it who has found the finger or a rat in their latest meal? What is the Ghost Hunters/ Sci Fi Channel's tactics of the down and dirty misinformation?
  I do feel that Ghost Hunters has lost their novelty for me, and this is so hard for me to say this considering I have followed this group since before the were famous. And it is also difficult since I am a Rhode Islander, and that a paranormal team from our little state got world wide recognition. It is disappointing to hear that they have potentially sold out, and they really may not be collecting  earth shattering and stunning evidence as they claim.  I wrote an article about Troy Taylor, the founder of American Ghost Society, and author of 79 books on the paranormal where he totally denounces TAPS researching methods on the Lemp Mansion, where some of the ghostly figures, such as Zeke Lemp and a supposed dog that was shot in the mansion, are mentioned nowhere in history.
  Unfortunately, I am starting to get my doubts about an investigation team that I once loved. It isn't adding up for me as to why so many key figures in this group have left. Although I do not totally agree with the way Donna went about in her confession to the Ghost Diva's radio show, I do think that she was a credible figure on the team. I had a hard time with Brian Harnois when it came to TAPS, because the show portrayed him as a trouble maker and a liar, but this might not have been how he actually was. Producers have a great way of making people out to be what they want them to be for purely entertainment purposes.What I have researched about Brian lately is that he was an original member of TAPS and he is still interested and dedicated to the paranormal. He works with Keith and Sandra Johnson on a cable show produced locally in Rhode Island called Ghosts R Near, and apparently Donna LaCroix is also a part of this as well. But the recent losses of the team have caused me to question the show Ghost Hunters and the TAPS group. I don't understand what is real and what is fake anymore. I am not sure what is next for the paranormal community as a whole. I believe we have made great strides but for every two steps we take, we take two steps back. How are we going to be taken seriously if most of what takes place is drama?
  I encourage everyone to think about what is on television, and to think about most of it as a grain of salt. If you are serious about research, do not rely on television shows on the paranormal to give you the answers. It is important that you read as much as you can get your hands on in this subject, from folklorists, psychologists, everyday people, psychics and historians. The best information on the subjects are in books or articles in my opinion. And my last piece of advice is to never stop learning and researching AND always question your information and source. And finally use your own judgment and intuition.